5 Useful Nursery Teaching Strategies To Blend 21st-Century Aptitudes

2nd February 2021

One of the most important aspects of entering the 21st-Century educational industry is to understand that it is progressive and modernized. In contrariety to traditional teaching, today’s teaching is way more child-centered. It encourages critical thinking, collaboration, problem solving skills, creativity and leadership both in teachers as well as children. Adapting to this fast-paced change is nothing new for the nursery teachers. Dealing with young learners can often be challenging and the nursery teacher training courses are building global educators for tomorrow.

Here is how you can blend 21st century teaching in your classroom:

Integrate Technology In Classroom

In this era of technology our educational system is evolving too. And integrating technology does not only mean mere use of it. The use of technology must be meaningful and enriching for children. A teacher can utilize such a tool in many forms keeping in mind the age factor. Most importantly for young learners, technology can be an exciting tool to use in the classroom. Nonetheless, a teacher must also keep a thorough check on safety matter.

Address Students Need

When you enter the classroom, you will realize your children are unique and different from each other. Hence their needs too are individualistic. To speak in terms of style of learning: Audio, visual and kinesthetic, a teacher first needs to be aware and then as required can tailor-make the lesson in order to address each of the children.

Encourage Cooperative Learning

Young learners are intuitive in nature. By allowing an opportunity to interact with each other during the lesson can invoke problem-solving skill and creativity among each other. This also creates a scope of social skill within children.


Incorporate Cross-curriculum Teaching

A 21st-century classroom represents teaching multiple subjects with single topic. This allows scope for children to explore connectivity between subjects and provides a deeper learning experience. Sure it may engage a teacher to put more effort into designing the lesson, but it enhances children confidence and emphasizes collaboration.

Use Formative Assessment

The formative assessment helps to keep a check on the individual process rather than a general grading. Using this method of evaluation bestows much more scope to understand the growth. Applying this for young learners can be meaningful and relevant. There are many ways to practice this such as asking questions at the beginning of the class, observing and keeping notes, learning logs, and self-assessment.

Well, it is no longer a secret that 21st-century teaching has entered the educational system. Being a 21st-century nursery educator all you can do is upgrade yourself not only to meet the demand of the job role but also to build confidence within yourself that will allow you to maximize your effort. Above all, enjoy teaching. Young learners are a lot to handle, but they are also full of energy. A preschool, teacher always have an opportunity to make an impactful difference in a child’s life. And we shall also not forget about the scope of personal growth in the process.

Written By: Soma

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