How To Teach The Digital Generation?

4th March 2022

In today’s time, we teachers are dealing with learners with smartphones. This hyper attachment will most likely demand ESL teachers to create a learning experience that embeds the use of technology. We need to understand our learners – how they interact with the world and how they connect with learning to teach them effectively.

Our digital generationthrives on creative and engaging activities that are diverse, more energetic, and relatable content in the classroom environment. As a result, teaching styles need to be adaptive to the generations of learners that change along with technology.

Apart from that using technology can also be used as a guide to reflect how technology can be used as a source of information and innovation. While we know how corrupting phones, tablets, and computers can be even for adults, nevertheless, technology can be a huge blessing when used objectively. It is imperative for ESL educators to use their teaching EFL/ESL skills by embracing technology as a means of making lessons engaging, fun, and appealing to today’s Learners.

Here are some ways that ESL educators can use for successfully incorporating technology while modeling the appropriate use of it –

Set Ground Rules

It is true technology is a huge part of the educational field now, however, it cannot be used every minute of every lesson, also comes with an endless possibility of distractions. Therefore, setting ground rules for learners to use technology for educational purposes is integral. The message needs to be clear, and the appropriation of using technological devices in the classroom has to be followed too. Starting from a zero tolerance policy for gaming to using it for personal usage all of these norms have to be set by the teacher. Plus teaching them about how to be accountable and responsible only makes them aware and sincere about the proportionate use of technology.

Creative Engagement

The digital generation probably knows so much about technology that they seek constant stimulation from a variety of sources, including smartphones, and computers. So when we make it a point to help them understand the healthy use of it by designing engaging classroom lessons, it allows them to feel connected with the lesson that is connected with a tool of their interest. Especially when lessons are hands-on, interesting activities can be incorporated to help them different skills alongside digital literacy.

Designing lessons that are fully engagingand are learner-centric ESL teachers can certainly boost the level of engagement. The key to engage them is to ensure they areinvolved in every stage of the learning process to be fully engaged, rather than sitting at their desks listening to the teacher while they get lost in their fantasy world.

Sourcing Information

Technology as a mega source of diverse information can be directed towards usefulness. When you as the teacher model such structure, learners can be automatically guided to use the digital platform in meaningful ways. With this, they can find more enjoyment in their learning experience. the trick is knowing how much technology needs to be used there in the classroom can vary from topic to topic also varies from age group to teacher’s objective.

Bear in mind, the use of technology can be seemingly embedded that goes beyond using technology just for the sake of 21st century teaching. instead of strict use of it, you can observe how your learners are interested in using it with their lessons.

Final Words

Overall, the use of technology is about knowing how to use it in balance and as a complementary tool to teaching and learning. as no two classrooms are similar, educators' way of teaching EFL/ESL skills needs to come from a source of flexibility and their willingness to adapt so they can connect with the students and thus meet their needs. Creating engaging, fun lessons, and knowing how to help learners focus on students to embrace technology is the new way of teaching in the ESL classroom with online TEFL program.

Technology can certainly provide us with many unique opportunities in the classroom to use technology. In our fast-paced society, where the digital generation has a new language of communication it only makes sense that we incorporate technology in the classroom and also model our learners towards healthy use of it.

What do you think dear readers!

Written By: Ashwini Chandra

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